vendredi 26 juin 2020

Dome rotation sensor maintenance

On June 20th, I forgot to disconnect the dome battery charger cable and when the dome rotated the wire got stuck within the dome rotation motor mechanism. This led to some trouble with the dome rotation sensor. I dismantled it and it seemed to work for couple of nights but it obviously had a problem so I ordered a new one and replaced it on June 25th. This fixed the problem and the dome is now back in synch...

Rotation sensor reference is ENA1J-B28-L00128L (RadioSpare RS Component: 263-2889).

Here is a picture of the sensor with cable color:

And a picture of the 5 years old sensor to show the time/weather damage:

Last but not least, the wheel on the sensor is glued with a bi-component Epoxy glue, I found the SADER one very good for this purpose (I already reglued the sensor about 1 year ago):

all the popies around the observatory !