mercredi 5 octobre 2016

441 days later...


I have my observatory up and running for 441 days now. I looked at my notes and I have observed 60 nights - so around 14% of the nights or an average of more than 4 nights per month.

Total observing hours is around 300h (so 5h in average per night... but winter nights are coming back!). I also have a strong increase after I left Shelyak with 32 nights and 179 hours observing since that time - I am wondering why... :-)

I recorded 230 spectra/targets (around 4 per night) for a total exposure time of 153h (6.4 days!) so an average of 40min total exposure time per target.

My exposure/observing ratio is 51% (in other word, I have around 49% 'overhead' time). This could be just time to start & open the observatory, visual observation with other people (they are included in), time to point a target, maintenance time, etc... There is room for improvement there as 49% is too high. Several issue with guiding and GoTo accuracy due to motor stalled or motor lag is the primary root cause and I'm working to improve it.

I have put my spectra in a personal database, similar to what I use for ARAS spectra I am responsible for. The list of spectra with a thumbnail:

And the last one only with some details for each spectra:

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