mercredi 29 juillet 2015

Spectral animation with AudeLA / SpcAudAce

Following a new version of SpcAud'Ace module in AudeLA, I have been able to make some animation of CH Cygni spectral evolution on july 25th. Halpha and Hbeta show double peak with V/R variation (V/R is the violet part of the emission line versus the red part; usually we measure a V/R ratio based on each peak intensity). Note that sometimes the V peak is the highest and sometimes it's the R peak... all of this within minutes!



HeI near sodium doublet

How to do animation in AudeLA?
First, make sure you have the latest SpcAud'Ace module (I used v4.01 here). Setup your working directory where you have your FITS file (and only those). Run SpcAud'Ace and then use the console with the command spc_anim:
# Usage: spc_anim nom_astre_sans_espaces ?delay_images(40) ?methode_normalisation(norma/[rescale]/none)?? ?lambda_min lambda_max ymin ymax???

for Halpha
spc_anim CHCyg 30 rescale 6500 6620 0 12

for Hbeta
spc_anim CHCyg 30 rescale 5850 5922 0 3

for sodium doublet area
spc_anim CHCyg 30 rescale 4830 4900 0 8

Shelyak eShel fiber injection unit at back of C11 telescope.
The yellow fibers transferes the light to the echelle spectrograph inside the control room.
The Atik Titan camera is used for autoguiding.
A flip miror has been installed to allow star gazing (for the fun ot it!)...


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